Human Structure Virtual Histology
    Epithelial and Gland Classification

    Epithelium that is highly specialized for production and secretion of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and water and electrolytes are typically organized into organs called glands. Glands are composed mainly of epithelial cell aggregates clustered together to perform specific secretory and/or excretory functions.

    Here we’ll consider the following aspects of glandular epithelia:

    • Histological features and modes of secretion of the two main types of glands, exocrine and endocrine glands.
    • Classification of exocrine glands according to four features:
    1. The shape of the secretory portion (alveolar vs. tubular)
    2. The organization of the duct system (simple vs. compound)
    3. The type of secretory product (serous vs. mucous)
    4. The mode or mechanism of cellular secretion (merocrine, apocrine, or holocrine)


    So, where do these glands come from and what makes them up?


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