The vestibule and
semicircular canals contain the structures that provide the
senses of balance and equilibrium. The vestibule contains the
maculae of the utricle and saccule, which sense
the stationary position and linear movement of the head. The maculae
contain hair cells (H) with an overlying otolithic
membrane, a gel-like layer with small crystals called
otoliths. Movement of otoliths within the membrane displaces the
stererocilia on the hair cells, producing nerve impulses. The
semicircular canals are bony structures enclosing the membranous
semicircular ducts, containing cristae ampullares that
sense rotational movements of the head. Hair cells of the cristae
are surrounded by a gel-like layer, the cupula (C). Movement
of endolymph displaces the cupula and the stereocilia of the closely
associated hair cells, producing nerve impulses.
Examine the images below and
this slide
for components of the inner ear's vestibular portion (utricle and saccule) and the semicircular canals. Identify the
macula containing
the otolithic membrane (OM) and the cristae ampularis.

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