contains large bundles of collagen fibers in its extracellular
matrix interspersed with areas of more translucent ground
substance. Fibrocartilage lacks a perichondrium and contains
some fibroblasts interspersed among the cartilage matrix, as
well as small groups of chondrocytes that tend to align in rows.
Elastic cartilage
resembles hyaline cartilage somewhat in histological appearance
with a few subtle differences.
- In a well-prepared H&E
stained specimen, such as this
specimen of
external ear, look closely to see that the matrix
appears to have more fibers in comparison to the smooth,
glassy appearance of the hyaline cartilage matrix. When
special stains are used to reveal the elastic fibers, such
as in this specimen
of the epiglottis, the striking difference in the
composition of the elastic cartilage matrix is much easier
to appreciate. Also note the organization of chondrocytes
and the presence of the perichondrium.

is next.