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  1. 1 H & E, GI
  2. 1 No Deparaffinization Inc
  3. 2 H&E
  4. 2 - 20 Minute Hematoxylin Inc
  5. 2 - 20 Minute Hematoxylin Correct
  6. 3 Dec Eosin
  7. 3 Dec Eosin Incorrect
  8. 3 H&E
  9. 10% NBF Poorly Fixed Uterus
  10. 8 - 11 - 06 - H&E
  11. 10% Formalin - Saline fixative, 32
  12. 10% Formalin Fixed Prostate
  13. 10% Formalin - Saline
  14. 10% Formalin - Saline, 2
  15. 10% Formalin-Saline Fixed Prostate
  16. 10% NBF
  17. 10% NBF, 2
  18. 10% NBF, 3
  19. 10% NBF, A1
  20. 10% NBF, A1, 2
  21. 10% NBF Fixed Fat and Soft Tissue
  22. 10% NBF Fixed Kidney 1
  23. 10% NBF Fixed Kidney 2
  24. 10% NBF Fixed Kidney 3
  25. 10% NBF Kidney Cacked Folded
  26. 10% NBF Fixed Liver 1
  27. 10% NBF Fixed Liver 2
  28. 10% NBF Fixed Liver 3
  29. 10% NBF Fixed Lung 1
  30. 10% NBF Fixed Lung 2
  31. 10% NBF Fixed Muscle
  32. 10% NBF, Not Fixed
  33. 95% Alcohol, Placenta
  34. 100% Alcohol, Kidney
  35. 100% Alcohol, Liver
  36. 100% Alcohol, Lung
  37. 100% ETOH
  38. 182 - Cryotomy, Knee tissue
  39. A Corrected Rat Thymus
  40. A - 1
  41. A - 2
  42. A - 3
  43. Acetate - Formalin Fixative, 14
  44. Acetate Formatial
  45. AE - 1 - Slash 3, Skin
  46. AFB  Microtomy Spleen
  47. AFB Spleen Microtomy
  48. Aggressive Facing A1
  49. Alcian Blue 2.5, Colon
  50. Alcohol Formalin Liver
  51. Alcohol - Formalin Lung, Fixative 38
  52. Alcoholic Zinc Formalin Fixed Kidney
  53. Appendix 1
  54. Appendix, Nucl Eosin Light
  55. Appendix TI 42 OK
  56. Appendix TI 43
  57. Appendix, Under Dehydrated Not Bad
  58. April - Liver, Gordon
  59. April - Liver, Gordon - 2
  60. Aorta, Elastic
  61. Aqueous Zinc  Formalin
  62. Artery
  63. Artery Biopsy Control
  64. Artery Cryotomy
  65. B - 1
  66. B - 2
  67. B - 3
  68. B5 Colon
  69. B5 Lung
  70. Bad Brain
  71. Bad LFB
  72. Baranous Unit 3
  73. Baranous Unit 3 - 2
  74. Bethani - Liver
  75. Bethani - Liver - 2
  76. Bethani - Liver - 3
  77. Bethani - Muscle - 1
  78. Bethani - Muscle - 2
  79. Bethani - Muscle - 3
  80. Bile Pigments Stain Halis Gallbladder
  81. Blood
  82. Bone - 2 - Over Decalcification - DC2
  83. Bone Decalcification 2
  84. Bone Decalcification - 1 - BS
  85. Bone Decalcification - 1 - BS - 2
  86. Bone Decalcification - 2 - BS
  87. Bone Decalcification - 2 - BS - 2
  88. Bone Decalcification - 3 - BS - 3
  89. Bone Decalcification - 3 - BS
  90. Bone Decalcification - H182 - Bone Dust
  91. Bone Marrow
  92. Bone Marrow 2
  93. Bouin 1
  94. Bouin C1
  95. Bouin - Fat
  96. Bouin Fixation - Liver
  97. Bouin Kidney 1
  98. Bouin Kidney 2
  99. Bouin fixative, kidney 16
  100. Bouin Liver
  101. Bouin Lung
  102. Bouin Stomach Fixation B2
  103. Bouins A1
  104. Brain
  105. Brain 2
  106. Brain 3
  107. Brain 4
  108. Breast Under Dehydrated
  109. Brown and Hopps Colon Microtomy
  110. Brown & Hopps Placenta
  111. Brown & Hopps Spleen Microtomy
  112. BS - 10 - Kidney
  113. BS - 10 - Liver
  114. BS - 10 - Lung
  115. C - Liver in Eosin
  116. C - 1
  117. C - 2
  118. C - 3
  119. C - Corrected Rat Thymus
  120. C - Corrected Uterus
  121. Calcium Control Von Kossa
  122. Carnoy - 1
  123. Carnoy, 2C - lung
  124. Carnoy, Kidney, Fixative 23
  125. Cas Lg Fungus, Lung
  126. CD -10 Immuno Tonsil - Spleen
  127. Cervix
  128. Cervix - 2
  129. Cervix - B - Corrected
  130. Clarke
  131. Colon
  132. Colon - 2
  133. Colon - 3
  134. Colon AL Blue
  135. Colon TI - 48 - 50 Nice
  136. Colon TI - 51
  137. Condyloma
  138. Copper - Liver
  139. Coverslip Artifact, Skin
  140. Cow Heart Cryotomy
  141. Cresyl ECTH Violate Spinal Cofrd
  142. CRY Tonsil
  143. DC1 - Over Decal Bone
  144. DC5 - TI40, Spongy
  145. DC10 - MC13 - Microtomy - Bad
  146. Decalcification - 24hrs - Vertebra - Formical
  147. Decalcification - 24hrs - Vertebra - Immunocal
  148. Decalcification - 96hrs - Vertebra - Immunocal
  149. Diff-Quik Liver Microtomy
  150. Diff-Quik Microtomy - Stomach
  151. Diff-Quik - Stomach
  152. Diff-Quik Stomach, H. pylori
  153. Diff-Quik - Stomach - Mast Cell
  154. Duodenum - 3A
  155. Duodenum - 3B
  156. Duodenum - 3C
  157. EDTA - 3 - Bone
  158. Elastic Artery
  159. Eosin Kidney
  160. Esophagus - Unk - 83 - 84 - 85
  161. Fallopian tube - 2
  162. Fallopian tube - H&E
  163. Fallopian tube - H&E - 2
  164. Femoral head - 1 - H102 - Decaclcification
  165. Fontana Masson - Nipple
  166. Fore 1 H184 - 1 - 2 - Fanatan Masson Colon
  167. Formical 24 Bone
  168. Fungus Microlayers, Skin
  169. Fixative 18 Bouin, Uterus
  170. Gallbladder H&E
  171. Gallbladder H&E - 2
  172. Gen Stain 3, Cervix 1B
  173. Giemsa, Bone
  174. Giemsa, Bone Mast Cells
  175. Goat Gut
  176. Gomori Methenamine Silver, Toenail
  177. Gomori Trichrome - Fallopan Tube
  178. Gol Col Qstmk Iron Qstmk
  179. Gordon & Sweet - Tonsil
  180. Gram Stain Leg Tissue, Amputation
  181. H&E Artifact
  182. H&E B5 Fixative Uterus
  183. H&E Cervix
  184. H&E Orth Uterus FX27
  185. H&E Prostate
  186. H&E Stomach
  187. H&E Uterus
  188. H. pylori, Stomach
  189. H. pylori, Stomach 3
  190. H. pylori, Stomach, sample
  191. H. pylori, Stomach, TID, 35
  192. H3 Spinal
  193. H10V 181 -  Microtomy Hactice Thyroid
  194. H101 H181 - 3 - 2 Skin
  195. H101 - 182 Mod - 3 -3 Eosin
  196. H102 - 1 - Over Decalcification
  197. H181 - 2 H&E Breast
  198. H181 - 3 H&E Colon
  199. H181 - 3 H&E Kidney
  200. H181 - 3 H&E Liver
  201. H181 - 3 Microtomy Kidney
  202. H181 - 3 H&E Placenta
  203. H181 - 3 H&E Prostate 2
  204. H181 - 3 H&E Uterus
  205. H181 - 3 -2 H&E Parathyroid
  206. H181 - 4 H&E Lung Acetate Formalin
  207. H181 - 5 H&E 10% NBF Colon
  208. H181 - 5 Hartman's Abdominal Mass
  209. H181 - 5 Hartman's Placenta
  210. H181 - 5 NBF Abdominal Mass
  211. H181 - 5 NBF Placenta
  212. H181 - 5 Tongue 10% NBF
  213. H181 H&E Galbladder
  214. H181 - Number 3
  215. H181 - Number 3 - 2nd
  216. H181 Wk7 Fix C3 Sigmoid Colon
  217. H182 - 1 - 1 Decalcification Bone
  1. H182 - 1 - 1 Decalcification Bone - 1
  2. H182 - 3 - 3 H&E Ehrlich Hematoxyln
  3. H182 - 3 - 3 H&E Hematoxylin
  4. H182 - 3 - 3 H&E Lab Hema Prepared Eosin
  5. H182 - 3 - 3 H&E Lab Standard
  6. H182 - 3 - 3 H&E Lab Standard 2
  7. H182 Unit 3 - 3 Routine
  8. H182 Femoral Head - RDO
  9. H182 Formical Reg Bone
  10. H182 H&E Knee Bone Decalcificaiton Over DC8
  11. H182 Protocol Bone
  12. H182 Protocol Bone - 1
  13. H182 RDO Bone DC4
  14. H183 - 2 - 1 Mucicarmine Colon
  15. H183 - 7 Bile Halls Liver
  16. H183 RDO H&E Prostate
  17. H184 - 1 -3 Schmorl Colon
  18. H184 - 2 - PAS LG Skin
  19. H1021182 Module 5 Harris Hematoxylin
  20. Hall Bile Pigment Liver
  21. H&E Skin H181 - 3
  22. Hematoxylin Mayer's Tonsil
  23. Homogenous
  24. Human Heart
  25. Human Heart 2
  26. Human Heart 3
  27. Human Heart 4
  28. IHC Control SOX-10
  29. IHC Prostate P63
  30. Incorrect Tissue - Not  - BM
  31. Kidney
  32. Kidney 1B
  33. Kidney 2
  34. Kidney 2B
  35. Kidney 3
  36. Kidney 3B
  37. Kidney 4
  38. Kidney 4B
  39. Kidney 5
  40. Kidney 6
  41. Kidney 7
  42. Kidney 8
  43. Kidney 9
  44. Kidney 10
  45. Kidney 11
  46. Kidney - B5 - FI - 4 - AR - 7
  47. Kidney RT
  48. Kidney Under Deyhdrated
  49. Lamb Small Bowel H181 H&E
  50. LFB Cev Brain
  51. LFB Cresyl ECHT Spinal Cord
  52. Liver 1
  53. Liver  2
  54. Liver  2 - Shades Eosin Qstmk
  55. Liver, Acetate - Formalin Fixative 13
  56. Liver, H&E
  57. Liver H182 - 3 - 4
  58. Liver H182 - 3 - 4 - 2
  59. Liver Neutral Formnalin
  60. Liver, PAS
  61. Liver Under Dehydrated
  62. Liver - with T - Qst - Mark
  63. Liver with B - Qst - Mark
  64. Lung, 1
  65. Lung, 1, Gram
  66. Lung, 2
  67. Lung, 3
  68. Lung 10% NBF
  69. Lung, 10% NBF - 2
  70. Lung, AFB
  71. Lung, Alcohol - BS
  72. Lung, Bouin B2
  73. Lung, H&E
  74. Lung, MS
  75. Lung, NBF, 2A
  76. Lung, TL
  77. Luxol Fast Blue Cresyl ECHT Violet Spinal Cord
  78. Luxol Fast Blue Freezing Artifact 12um Spinal Cord
  79. Luxol Fast Blue Spinal Cord
  80. Luxol Fast Blue Spinal Cord, No Differentiation
  81. Lymph Node and Fat
  82. Lymph Node and Fat - 2
  83. Mart - 1 - Skin
  84. Masson Trichrome Skin
  85. Masson's Trichrome Appendix
  86. Masson's Trichrome Uterus
  87. Melanoma, ENT
  88. Microtomy Appendix Mod3
  89. Microtomy, Breast
  90. Microtomy Brain1FB CEV Too Thick
  91. Microtomy Kidney
  92. Microtomy, Liver
  93. Microtomy, Uterus
  94. Millonia
  95. MOA3 - H&E, Prostate
  96. Morph Bad Nucleus Dry Block Spleen
  97. Moth Holes Spleen - Fix B3
  98. Moth Tun Liver 1L H&E
  99. No Alcohol Corrected Testicle
  100. No Alcohol Routine Testicle
  101. No Alcohol Uncorrected Testicle
  102. Orth
  103. Orth, Kidney
  104. Orth, Kidney, B3
  105. Orth, Liver
  106. Orth, Lung
  107. Orth Lung Fixation - 26
  108. Ovary - TI - 71
  109. PAS Fungus, autopsy, lung
  110. PAS Fungus - Sinus Contents H184
  111. PAS - IT - Gree - Mor - Stosam
  112. PAS LG Spleen Microtomy
  113. PAS Neutral Mucins
  114. PAS Neutral Mucins - Cervix
  115. Placenta
  116. Placenta, Alcoholic Formalin
  117. Plaque
  118. Protocol - A - EXT - Bone
  119. Rat Liver
  120. Retic Liver
  121. Rat Kidney 2mm H&E
  122. Rat Kidney 5mm H&E
  123. Rat Lymph Node H&E
  124. Rat Spleen H&E 2mm
  125. Rat Spleen H&E 5mm
  126. Rat Sternum
  127. Rat Paw Bone
  128. Routine H102 - 1 - 1 - H&E
  129. Routine H&E Tonsils Mouth Holes
  130. Routine Tonsil Folds
  131. RT Brain
  132. RT Heart
  133. SA2 - Bouin
  134. SA2 - NBF
  135. Sakura H&E 1 Kidney
  136. SC2 - 15% Alcohol
  137. Sevier Munger Freezing Artifact AR11 - 7um Spinal Cord
  138. Skin
  139. Skin - Control
  140. Skin - H&E
  141. Skin, Microtomy - Toluidine Blue
  142. Skin - Recip - Last - Retic
  143. Skin - Toluidine Blue
  144. Small Intestine
  145. Small Intestine - 2
  146. Small Intestine - 3
  147. Small Intestine - TI - 77 - 79
  148. SPS22 Spinal Cord
  149. Special Stain Brain Bielchowski
  150. Special Stain Heliciobacter pylori
  151. Special Stain Colon Mucin
  152. Special Stain Control AFB
  153. Special Stain Control Fite  - 2
  154. Special Stain Hotchkiss MC Fungus
  155. Special Stain Intestine, Trichrome Too Light
  156. Special Stain Lung Fite
  157. Special Stain Liver Halls
  158. Special Stain Liver PAS
  159. Special Stain Lung Gram Positive
  160. Special Stain Medulla 1FB H&E
  161. Special Stain Nerve Bundles Mast Cells Toludine Blue
  162. Special Stain Skin Fontana Masson Melanocytes
  163. Special Stain Spinal Cord 1FB
  164. Special Stains Control Iron
  165. Special Stains Skin Mast Cells Toludine Blue - 2
  166. Steiner modification, H. pylori
  167. Stomach
  168. Stomach, 10% NBF
  169. Stomach, TI, 80-82
  170. Stomach, TI - 86 - 88
  171. Temp Artery Microtomy
  172. Thick Nuclei Dry Blocks Spleen
  173. Thick Steak Fat 10% NBF
  174. Thick Vacular Dry Black Spleen
  175. Thyroid
  176. Toluidine Blue, Mast Cell, Skin
  177. Tongue
  178. Tongue, Argenta
  179. Tongue, Mast Cells
  180. Tongue, Neutral Formalin
  181. Tonsil
  182. Tonsil 2
  183. Tonsil 3
  184. Tonsil 4
  185. Tonsil 5
  186. Tonsil 6
  187. Trichrome 3
  188. Troubleshoot No Deparaffinzation - Corrected - Prostate
  189. Turbinate - MS
  190. Umbilical Cord H&E
  191. Unfixed stomach
  192. Unit 3 - 2- Microtomy Prostate
  193. Ureter
  194. Uterus Fixation B1
  195. Uterus H&E - X - Alcohol Formalin
  196. Vaginal Mucosa TID3
  197. Vas Deferens
  198. V V G on Skin
  199. Weils Spinal Cord
  200. Zinc Formalin, Liver
  201. Zinc Formalin, Stomach
  202. Tissue ID H&E (K-H&E)
  203. Tissue ID - PAS (K-PAS)
  204. Tissue ID - GI (B-H&E)

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Special Thanks to Dr. Mark Braun, Kelsey Lipking, and Kyle McElyea Indiana University School of Medicine, copyright 2014